Voice Dictation
RINKNET Tips and Tricks – Voice Dictation
Did you know when you combine existing features on your phone, tablet, or personal computer (PC) and your Online Game Report Entry Screen, you can enter your comments on a player by voice dictation?
When you combine built-in features of your phone/tablet/PC with programs such as RinkNet Online, you have access to more integrated features like Voice Dictation.
With this integration, you can enter comments about a player by speaking into your phone/tablet/PC instead of typing.
Here are some examples from an iPhone/iPad and from a Windows-based PC, using Chrome Browser:
1. Log into your RinkNet Online Account (Not sure how to do this? Click here)
2. Select your team icon
3. Click on the menu bar (3-lines, top left)
4. Select Game Reports
5. Select Enter Reports
6. “Start” or “Edit” a game in your Game Report Log
a. If you do not see any games, add one to your schedule
7. Select “Edit Game Report Details” for one of the teams
8. Select a player
a. If no players are visible select Enter Lines to add the player that you wish to report on
9. Enter Ratings and Skill Ratings for the player
10. Tap in the “Comments” Box.
11. On the keyboard look for the microphone Icon.
12. Tap on the Microphone Icon and dictate your comments about that player!
Windows Based Computer (with microphone/headset)
1. Follow steps 1 – 10 above, on your laptop or desktop windows computer
2. Click inside the “Comments” box
3. Select “windows key + H”
4. The Windows built-in dictation tool will initiate.
5. Note: The first time you use this feature you may need to activate it in the "settings" on your computer
The final product
By leveraging the provided tools of your current technology, you can integrate with platforms like RinkNet to make data entry easier.
Additional Tip
Add the chrome extension “Grammarly” to your web browser to harness the spelling and grammar features that are part of this free service.
Contact RinkNet today to get started with this “Tips and Tricks”.
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